Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.
Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.
Learning is the passport to getting ahead in your career. Today, there are unprecedented opportunities, mediums and channels to develop competencies, gain knowledge and practice skill-building. From skill sharing communities such as Skillshare to online learning platforms such as Udemy, the many options make learning accessible, flexible and affordable. This is an unparalleled benefit of technological transformation. Yet, access to learning opportunities is not sufficient. Success requires us to unlearn old paradigms and respond creatively to changing market conditions with new skills, novel ideas and different perspectives. As professional and personal goals compete for our time, energy and attention, it is necessary to have a focus and personalized learning approach. Here are three steps to develop an effective personal learning experience.
· Know your preference: Learning at WE happens continuously, on the job, online, in workshops, during coaching sessions and peer to peer learning groups. The right learning experience depends on your personal learning preference. Knowing your preference makes a difference for how you process, absorb and apply information. Visual learners prefer to learn by seeing graphs or text. Auditory learners prefer to learn by hearing or speaking. Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by doing, touching, or moving.
· Play the long game: Learning is not logic or linear. It isn’t necessary to have every career question answered to define your learning roadmap but it is necessary to play the long game. Build, strengthen proficiency in soft skills such as critical thinking and interpersonal skills to stay one step ahead in your career.
· Understand yourself: Focus energy in understanding yourself. Self-awareness is a core tenet of discovering a personal purpose and personal leadership. Knowing what motivates and inspires you will shape the focus of your learning path. There are a variety of assessments available to help understand strengths, areas of development and fields of interest. Check out CareerOneStop.org to learn more.
The Deloitte’s 2018 Millennial survey reported that continuous learning is one of the top five factors that shape a positive workplace culture. At the same time, survey respondents reported a lack confidence and feeling of unpreparedness for Industry 4.0 (the marriage of physical and digital technologies, such as analytics, artificial intelligence, cognitive computing and internet of things technology – Deloitte). Last year 94 percent of North American employees said WE is a place to learn and grow their skills. This was validating of the experience we have always strived to deliver to employees and has even earned us recognition as a finalist for thePR News’ Agency Elite Awards: Best Training/Education Program. The need for businesses to be educators, support the transformation of business, help employees be equipped to contribute their best selves and navigate change in the workplace, has never been more important. At the same time employees need to come prepared, bring curiosity, courage and commitment to make it a winning partnership. After all, learning is personal and an insurance policy for a thriving career.
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